Stewart’s career in print started entirely by chance. Having left school in 1987 he was working at a car parts business when he was offered the role of print operator by a regular customer. Providing him the opportunity to further his education and to study for a City and Guilds in Printing, Stewart leapt at the chance and shortly discovered a passion for printing presses. Just twelve months later, a friend mentioned a job opportunity with a local business called JR Press. An interview followed and the rest, as they say, is history.
JR Press moved from its then village location to the town of Daventry. At the time, the business owned just four printing presses and employed a handful of staff. Following the move, Stewart was asked to take a more managerial role in overseeing the four members of production staff and the jobs that came through the factory.
Over the years JR Press has expanded more and more, relocating several times before moving to its current purpose-built site on Stephenson Close. Stewart has remained a constant through the changes and is now responsible for managing over 20 members of staff across two shifts. “I’d never have imagined how much the business would grow. It’s incredible to see the changes over the years.” Stewart tells us “It’s been a fantastic place to work. The facilities are brilliant and as a production department we are well looked after – something that many businesses neglect.”
Despite dealing with the hundreds of orders which arrive each week and overseeing staff members, Stewart can still often be found working a press. “I can’t resist” he admits, “If we’re ever short staffed it’s the perfect excuse for me to be back on the factory floor, doing the job I had all those years ago.”
Managing Director Geoff Fone comments “I’m immensely proud to be working with such a committed individual who has taught me much over the years. It’s a pleasure to know Stewart and his family as well as I do. His drive and knowledge have made him an irreplaceable member of the team and greatly assisted in the business reaching its goals. Thank you, Stewart!”